Hi guys, I’m looking to integrate RabbitMQ with Workato, but I noticed there is no pre-built connector available. What authentication methods are required to connect RabbitMQ with Workato? Also, what are the possible ways to send and receive messages from a RabbitMQ queue using Workato’s existing features? Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @Patel0786,
In the community Library I found this RabbitMQ
Or you can try connecting using HTTP If the RabbitMQ supports HTTP based communication.
hey @Prudvi , I have already found this RabbitMQ connector, but I am unable to connect. I am using host: localhost and port: 15672, with the correct username and password. However, I am getting the error: 'Connection failed: Failed to open TCP connection to localhost:15672 (Cannot assign requested address - connect(2) for "localhost" port 15672)' . Can you confirm what exact connection settings I should use or if any additional setup is required?
Hi @Patel0786,
Since you are trying to connect to Localhost, you can try by installing an OnPremAgent and try connecting.