HiI have a scenario where I'm using a parse Json and output structure is dynamic. here id and ans can be of any number or there'll be no id.how can I add the data in the list?example:[ { "employeeId": "010", "id_1": "001", "an...
I'm getting null objects in my filtered list. how can I remove the null objects w/o using Pythion script?Example:[{"name" : "Nitish","Id": "010"},{},{"name" : "Nitesh","Id": "020"}]
data I provided is just an example but in actual/sandbox/prod scenario it can be any number. so I want to understand the different and more complicated approach.Thanks
HI @shivakumara Thanks for checking, I have a parse json where I'm creating a json structure and later on I'm using list where I checks some condition in all fields and get some empty objects in filtered response.now I want to remove those empty obje...
Your plan is for a year, but you might have consumed the monthly limit. Your Admin can check the usage, and it will reload the tasks by the date shown in the dashboard.