I checked and the action I was referring to is not called 'get job details', it's actually called 'search job history' just in case anyone gets tripped up!
Depending on whether you have space in your job report, you could make that variable part of the job report. If you then run a get job details RecipeOps action you could get the variable out that way - this solution uses up one of your job report col...
I have used the Ruby connector in the past to transform JSON objects into something that works better with Workato, so you could write a snippet that would take the objects in format 1 and turn the arbitrarily named objects into an array - you wouldn...
I haven't been in this situation myself but might it work to use Workato recipes to do your testing? If you want to check that actions in your connector work as expected, you could have a recipe that was triggered by a new PR in Github (or similar) a...