User Activity

Hey Pros, we get that recipe testing is tedious, and it takes more time and effort than you would like. That’s why we’ve been working behind the scenes to develop a new capability: test automation! This time-saving feature allows you to create test c...
FileStorage users, you’ll be thrilled to know that FileStorage now has a new interface for you to view and manage the files you create and store in recipes. Moreover, this makes it possible for you to organize your files and directories, or download ...
Hey Pros,You're already familiar with building recipes to automate workflows. But what if we told you, you can now easily create a portal (with its very own UI) for each workflow, so your coworkers have a place to get work done, and a bird's eye view...
Hey Pros,We're excited to share some updates we made in May, in case you missed them over at our Changelog!And yeah, please give us your feedback. We'd really love to hear some.May's highlightsMake magic with OpenAI 彩I mean, is there any kind of work...
Hi there Pros!If you're exploring using OpenAI or ChatGPT in your work and automations, you'll be thrilled to know that OpenAI is now one of our connectors! This means you can now power all kinds of workflows with OpenAI’s models. We’re starting off...