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Dear all,im trying to create a JSON file from a mySQL Database Table. the table looks like this:ID|Street|City|Type|FirstName|LastName1|Somewherestreet|Somewherecity|Familyhead|Chris|Somebody1|Somewherestreet|Somewherecity|FamilyMember|Anna|Somebody1...
Dear all,what is the best practice to convert a json response to a individual xml format without using the function .to_xml?I have to create an individual XML file for importing data into another application. Thank you in advanceRegards,Christian
Dear all,is there a way to set a category to an email using the outlook connector after downloading attached pdf files?its basically the same as described here:Stackoverflow: Add Outlook Category to mail via MS GraphThank you in advanceRegards,Christ...
I'm trying to extract a smime.p7m file from a signed outlook mail using the outlook connector.i have no idea how to handle files from a signed email sender. Any ideas how to handle those files. Regards, Christian
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