4 weeks ago
I'm building an API endpoint and have created a path with a parameter to get records related to a specific ID. If I skip all steps in the recipe and test it, I can see that the parameter is passed in. However, when I edit my recipe, there is no data pill for the path parameter. I can't figure out how to reference that path parameter.
3 weeks ago
Hi @jmcvicker ,
When you set up API end point (refer to below end point)
end point: https://apim.workato.com/poc/employee/{id}
Testing: when you hit the end point, you can see the parameter in the response of an API end point.
Solution: Add the logger or variable, map the parameter object respectively in formula mode.
2 weeks ago
Hi @jmcvicker ,
You can also use a JSON parser to parse the payload from the Trigger if the data pills are not displaying from the data tree.