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Servicenow updated by

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hi everybody, we have a use case where we want to update servicenow tickets via workato. The problem we have is that the comment or work note is always marked as updated by the integration account user. We want this to be an individual user instead. E.g. Pass a users sys id to the ticket update. Is it possible?


Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hi Craig, we had similar issue with Zendesk and I figured it out. In Zendesk payload you can pass the user email in one of the fields and it either pulls the existing user or creates a new one. Never used Servicenow, but I hope they have something similar.

Workato employee
Workato employee

ServiceNow's API does not allow you to pass a user sys_id to the ticket update. You would have to create a custom scripted REST on ServiceNow to do that.

Workato employee
Workato employee

Hi Craig!

Below may help you. There is no direct way to do it though. You have to do it via custom script:

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Thanks for the replies! Shame it doesn't work out of the box but at least the scripted API is an option.