a week ago
To me, this seems like a bit of a noobie question as I am thinking that there must be a way to do this.
I have a two dimensional list (array) which eventually will be output to a CSV file. I'm seeking to step through the list, perform a test on a particular item within the row - and then update that item accordingly.
I'm able to do this by placing the list into a lookup table and then stepping through the lookup table and using "update entry" to update the particular cell -- and then outputing the modified lookup table to a CSV file.
High level view of the steps I'm using:
I think Workato Data Tables would be an alternative (and possibly bettere) approach, but they are not part of our current Workato plan.
While what I've outlined above does work - it seems to be wildly inefficient to use a lookup table to be able to update a value in a two dimensional list. Is there a better way in which this can be done - to be able to directly modify particular entries within a two dimensional list?
Hi @bedelman0731,
Is it possible to share the example data and what updates are you trying to perform on the data.
I can say with certainty that the lookup table is not needed to solve this problem (unless you need the data to persist), but more details are needed. This can be solved in many different ways, but it ultimately depends on the structure of your input data -- specifically what test you need to run, and the location of the data being tested.