I have few questions around how workato manages JIRA webhooks.
I am trying to create a recipe using jira trigger on comment added/updated event(s).
I noticed the following things
1. When I use a connection based on basic auth with api token the webhook creation works fine
2. When I use a connection based oauth 2, the webhook subscription fails with 401 (screenshot attached)
3. Also I notice that for every trigger in a recipe, workato creates a new webhook registration in JIRA. I think JIRA has some limit on number of webhooks : JIRA Doc . How does workato manage this limit ?
( Doesn't workato reuse subscriptions by patching/editing existing ones ?; I am concerned if we breach limit I won't be able to create more webhooks on my JIRA instance for other scenarios )
4. Does workato use JIRA webhook apis v1 or v2 ? (basically rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook or rest/api/2/webhook)
Hi @gsRatti1,
I found this limitation for OAuth : "On-prem Jira connections support basic authentication with passwords. OAuth2 is not supported for on-prem Jira connections."
Webhook Registration : using-jira-real-time-triggers
Hey @Prudvi
I am trying with cloud JIRA instance not on prem
So the connection with oauth succeeds
But if I use the same connection in a recipe to createa trigger that fails with 401
Is this a known issue ?
Do jira webhooks work with oauth 2 based connections in workato is what I what to check
I can confirm that the user I am using for oauth is an admin as well, so creating webhooks should ideally succeed.
The issue could be that workato is using rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook to create webhooks and not rest/api/2/webhook ?Version 1 api works only with basic auth/apikey and not with oauth
Could you confirm this ?
Hi @gsRatti1,
Sorry, I am not exactly sure of this.
@gary1, @shivakumara - Could you please help.