a week ago
I have few questions around how workato manages JIRA webhooks.
I am trying to create a recipe using jira trigger on comment added/updated event(s).
I noticed the following things
1. When I use a connection based on basic auth with api token the webhook creation works fine
2. When I use a connection based oauth 2, the webhook subscription fails with 401 (screenshot attached)
3. Also I notice that for every trigger in a recipe, workato creates a new webhook registration in JIRA. I think JIRA has some limit on number of webhooks : JIRA Doc . How does workato manage this limit ?
( Doesn't workato reuse subscriptions by patching/editing existing ones ?; I am concerned if we breach limit I won't be able to create more webhooks on my JIRA instance for other scenarios )
4. Does workato use JIRA webhook apis v1 or v2 ? (basically rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook or rest/api/2/webhook)