3 weeks ago
I encountered the following error when I attempted to establish connection with JIRA from Workato:
The JIRA API token is access from the token specified in the URL below, and it has not reached its expiry date yet:
I have granted Workato access to the JIRA and it is listed in list of permitted apps into JIRA: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/apps
However, the connection failed error still occured. Could anyone please suggest other areas in Workato or JIRA to check?
Thank you.
3 weeks ago
Hi @lm ,
Here I am providing insights on the configurations. Please cross verify
1. Connection type by default : Cloud
2. Auth type: API token (Don't select Personal token)
3. Host name: Provide JIRA URL (example : Workato-team.atlassian.net)
4. EMAIL id : Used for the JIRA account creation
5. API token: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
6. connected apps : Don't provide anything
Ensure that the user account associated with the API token has the required permissions (such as read and write access) for the projects and actions you are attempting.
If the API token was successfully generated but the connection still fails, it indicates that the user account lacks sufficient permissions or there is a configuration issue in the connection settings.
Check point:
Access Jira Settings:
Thanks and Regards,
2 weeks ago
Hi @shivakumara
Thanks for getting back to me and I greatly appreciate your suggestions. I have attempted your suggested remedy but it did not work - it resulted in a "401 unauthorized" error message.
I have also attempted the following steps below, which did not work:
1)Revoked the API key and issue a fresh key
2) Remove Connected Apps entry without Workato in there as suggested from your response.
3)Also tested with "curl", and resulted in the error below:
curl --location 'https://www.workato.com/api/roles' \
--header 'Authorization:<sample token>
Error Response:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Please advice if there are other areas which I can be checking for?
Thank you.
2 weeks ago
Hi @lm ,
Please help me to understand below part.
curl --location 'https://www.workato.com/api/roles' \
--header 'Authorization:<sample token>
1. Why are you testing now with Workato API endpoint? (Highlighted in Bold)
2. If you want test the Workato API endpoint's then you need to pass API token from
"Workspace admin --> 1. [create new client role if no existing client role were present] --> 2. [Generate API token] "
Thanks and Regards,
Shivakumar K