Workato Pros Discussion Board
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Forum Posts

FIFO in Workato, RIH

Hello Team,We are using Reltio Integration Hub which is based on workato. We are building inbound integration from KAFKA to Reltio using RIH. I had a query regarding the sequencing of events in Workato. If KAFKA events keep on streaming to the workat...

Resolved! Can we filter a complex structure?

I have an array of complex data (see screen shot) - I want to find the top level array where an inner level value is matchedIn the example below there are 3 main array elements - and in a nested level for Type  there is a value of 'Type1' for 2 of th...

michellepopovi_0-1701827996209.png michellepopovi_1-1701828341898.png

Resolved! Possible to format JSON in Logger or Email?

I have a recipe with an HTTP Request action with monitor error handling to logger and email.   I can attach the HTTP Response "Body" field into the logger and email,  but is there a way to apply JSON formatting to it so it's easier to read? 

gsbrown by Deputy Chef I
  • 4 replies
  • 2 kudos

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