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Outlook Email Attachment Get data

Hey Everyone !!I am trying to extract data from a input pdf sent over email , i am able to get the name of pdf but not able to get any data pill - as i want to extract text/data from pdf file and compare with some expected data fields . Does anyone ...

Unable to save the recipe

I'm not able to save recipe when step 58 is unskipped. I have tried everything and I have spent a day on this.Troubleshooting steps performed:1 Multiple browsers2 Deleted and created step again3 Cloning the recipe4 Saving on phoneScreen shot of the e...

Salesforce Internal ID

Iam trying to send Data from SQL to SalesForce sandboxThere is a mandatory field "Salesforce Internal ID" Object in SF is " Revenue Data"What is this Internal ID and where can I get this from!!!! There is no Id column in SF !!!!

nvinay091 by Deputy Chef I
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