03-10-2021 06:12 PM
Hi All,
I was wondering if someone could help me in indentifying a software/application that will help track the dependancy amongst multiple applications in the given app stack.
We have 30 + enterprise apps and they are all integrated (Both custom and native integration) and are in sync most of the times. We currently use Lucid charts to show a high leve data flow between systems. But this a manual task and not that easy to maintain when you too many integrations and automations to work with. Also, it doesn't allow you to show the relationship between applcations as in the objects mapped between applications.
Is there such application that will allow me to simple enter the source/destination apps and objects involved and it would render a visualization on its own? Also, it shoud be dynamic and easy to share amogst the team members.
03-10-2021 06:15 PM
Interested to see what others have to say about this
03-10-2021 06:50 PM
We have been looking for something like this for a while and haven't found anything yet.
We are actively looking. I am interest to see if anyone has found anything yet.
03-10-2021 08:38 PM
We use BiZZdesign, and enterprise architecture modeling tool, to model our data flow diagrams (level 0 and level 1) by application. The level 0 DFDs provide the basic flow relationships and allow for dynamic analysis of where applications and integrations are used across all models. While it is a manual effort to keep these models updated, they do have an integration with ServiceNow’s CMDB to help automate some of this (we are just now looking into that).
Mike Bates | VP Enterprise Architecture | ePlus
703.984.8091 | mbates@eplus.com | www.eplus.com
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03-10-2021 10:18 PM
We looked at Neo4J before but didn’t implement it into prod