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Deputy Chef II
Deputy Chef II

Hi, I'm looking for some tutorials bcause i'm running into some difficulties.

I need to loop through the output of a call,and for each project call one of the retrieved API endpoints.

For example in the attached output I pickup project Name (TEST 1 ISO Naming), and call the Issues api path (

I can't seem to get the creation of the list, and then pupulating the list and then in a for each call the retrieved API key


Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

If the output of the call is always a similar data structure could you not provide an example json to workato's inbuilt json parser app?

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hi Roland can I know what errors did you get while creating the recipe

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

I don't think you want the second loop nested in the first one.

I think that's your only issue here?

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hi Roland, probably you want to create the full list first. Afterwards, you can take the list and - while iterating through it - call the respective API endpoints (synchronously or asynchronously depending on your use case logic). Most likely, you will do that in a separate callable recipe to keep your logic simple and clean.

Additionally, your usage of batch operations needs a closer look. If you wish, we can have a talk about this and see, how your solution can look like. Kind regards, Gernot

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