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What’s trending at Workato? - May 24th 2024

Workato employee
Workato employee

We're happy to announce the enhancement of our conditional control statement. 

What’s new

  • Now there is one conditional step IF condition instead of confusing two.
  • Users can add or remove else if or else conditions to existing if condition at any moment without needing to recreate the conditional logic (as it was before).
  • Users can reorder else if conditions inside a single conditional block.

How does it work?

  • Any conditional logic starts with IF, so users must create the first logic block first.
  • After the first condition is added and the user wants to add other conditions below, clicking “add step” will show a panel with two more options: “ELSE IF” and “ELSE” that can be added to the previous conditional logic.







Check out the Web Documentation 

Platform Ops' latest releases

Here is a summary of the latest feature releases and enhancements for the Platform Ops product area. We hope they improve your day-to-day work on the system and reduce some manual work! Let us know what you think.

Time and date formats - New feature!

Now, you can customize your settings to see the Workato platform in the date and time format you are used to working (and thinking) in - saving you the time you spend figuring out what those numbers on the screen mean. New time and date formats are:

  • mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM.
  • mm/dd/yy hh:mm.
  • dd/mm/yy h:mm AM/PM.
  • dd/mm/yy hh:mm.

Check our Docs.

Developer APIs

  • GET Job API: New fields were added to improve the visibility of errors: error count, step, app, action, and retry count.
  • New API option to export and import! Now, all you need to do is provide a folder ID. If all assets are in the same folder, then no more IDs for each asset you want to add to the manifest.
  • Create and Update recipe API - new field to update recipe description.

API collections & endpoint

  • The collections page and endpoint cards have a fresh look, featuring new icons to easily distinguish API recipes and API proxy endpoints.
  • (The most exciting part) Recipe endpoints—once you click on an endpoint, you can immediately see the API request and response schema, recipe actions, and key endpoint configuration.
    • Previously, users would have to navigate to the recipe to see this. 
  • Endpoint settings
    • We've created a new 'endpoint settings' tab. This gives users a persistent view of key endpoint configuration settings without navigating to the 'edit endpoint' pop-up.
    • Note: This is a temporary state. As part of our API proxy transformation project, we'll be adding more capabilities to the settings page.

UI enhancements

  • Job history page: Due to performance issues and long loading times in some cases, we introduced a new default for the time filter. It is now set for "last 30 days" by default, improving the experience working on this page, especially for heavy recipes.
  • Deployments tab: More time filters are now available, enabling users to see deployment history older than the last 30 days.

Some fixes

  • Notification emails: We added the workspace name (the correct one) to the notification alerts users get from Workato so they can easily recognize the relevant workspace.
  • Scheduler: During Jan-Feb, we improved the scheduler's timezone logic (it had some bugs). As part of the fix, we made the timezone a mandatory field. This has been fixed back to being an optional field due to the requests from the field.
  • ALR: Preventing customers from selecting the wrong configurations.

Coming up soon:

  • Job history table download.
  • Manifest page UI improvements.
  • LUT page UI improvements.
  • Improved assets search - text search will also search through the description, apps, and actions.

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Check out the Web Documentation 

Field Connectivity Team Updates

Here are the latest community connectors and recipe updates!

What’s new on Product Hub:

Recipe Highlight:

New/Updated Connectors:

AWS Bedrock
iChris (Static)
Aimtec ClouEDI
JD Edwards
MYOB Advanced
Workato Embedded
Amazon Kinesis
Sage Intacct (Custom)

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