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Workato - What’s trending at Workato? - December 8th 2023

Workato employee
Workato employee

Error info datapills release

Have you ever tried to handle recipe errors differently depending on the adapter or action that caused the problem?
Or did you ever want to report a number of steps that errored?

Now it is possible on production and our users can use the following pills in the On-Error block:

  • errored app
  • errored action
  • errored step number


AI by Workato Connector
We announced AI by Workato earlier this year and have been working hard to bring it to everyone. We are excited to announce today that it is available to everyone!
What can you do with it?
  • Draft emails
  • Route tickets
  • Obtain structured data from texts
  • Obtain summaries and answer questions from source texts
  • Sentiment analysis
For now, it is needed to request access to the connector. Please check with your Customer Success Manager or contact us by email here.
Settings split between user profile and workspace settings!

This has been a long-awaited feature from our customers who have been requesting a cleaner separation between personal profile settings (name, email, avatar logo, 2FA, password) and workspace settings (workspace name, workspace logo, notification settings, authentication, AI usage, secrets management, EKM, etc.)

With this release, we've drastically improved the navigational experience by keeping key settings front and centre and allowing for more intuitive usage.

Why is this important?

As the list of our workspace features grows, it's essential to ensure that users aren't distracted and lost in the sea of feature tabs they used to find on the former "Settings" tab consisting of personal profile settings and workspace settings.







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