Workato Notifications Recap
Known by most of you, but we just wanted to recap all Workato notification possibilities so you can always be up to date on any new release or announcement.
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- - Get email notifications whenever Workato creates, updates or resolves an incident.

- Send Notifications for Failed Jobs - Workato sends email notifications to the Workato account owner by default when an error occurs. Still, you can add receivers to the notifications and customise them, like selecting error notifications for specific projects, etc.

- Email Notifications—Assign specific contacts to receive different email notifications in your organisation. Workato sends out important updates such as usage alerts, incident and error notifications, legal updates, and security updates.
- Primary Admins
- Technical Contacts
- Business Sponsors
- Security & Privacy Contacts
- Legal Contacts
- Billing Contacts

Tags & Deploy Approval now on Preview
We are excited to share that we are finally testing two new features that were announced recently.
Both features are now in preview under request. If you are interested in testing any of them, please contact your CSM.
Tags—This feature lets users organise and label assets across all projects. By default, any collaborator can create tags and assign them to assets with editing access. However, workspace admins can narrow this policy so that only admins can edit the list of tags, while other users can still assign existing tags.
Review and Approval – Workspace admins will now have the option to include an additional approval step before deploying across environments. Authors can submit requests and select reviewers; only one reviewer’s Approval is needed to proceed with the deployment.

Platform Connector Updates
We have significantly enhanced various critical strategic connectors, such as Google Cloud Storage, Oracle Fusion Cloud, Google Sheets, Workday, Marketo, Salesforce or Concur. Below are the top 10 releases; you can also check the entire list of the full Platform Connector Release Notes.
- Google Cloud Storage
- [Enhancement] Support restricting to a bucket in connection
- There was a problem with the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) connection, where users could not restrict access to a specific bucket.
- We have added this to the GCS connection setup. This is particularly useful for users who have access restricted to certain buckets.
- Oracle Fusion Cloud
- [Enhancement] Add missing fields to form feed trigger in Oracle Fusion cloud.
- The form feed trigger in Oracle Fusion Cloud was missing a few additional fields, namely 'PrimaryFlag' and 'AddressUsageType'.
- These have been successfully added to the form feed trigger in Oracle Fusion Cloud.
- Marketo
- [Enhancement] Remove connection check on get leads
- Issue Description: There was an issue with the Marketo Connector where a connection check was being made on the GET Leads, which some clients wanted to restrict due to API permissions.
- Fix Description: The issue has been resolved by replacing the GET Leads endpoint with another endpoint that doesn't require any permissions. This change allows clients to set up a Marketo Connector without having to grant additional API permissions.
- Salesforce
- [Enhancement] Search for records using SOQL query should either mention it includes deleted records or the default behaviour should not pick deleted
- Issue Description: There was confusion when using the SOQL query to search for records, as it was unclear whether the search included deleted records or not.
- Fix Description: We have updated the system to clarify that the SOQL query default behaviour is to include deleted records in the search results.
- Linkedin
- [Enhancement] Get form data in get lead gen form response by id action
- Issue Description: There was an issue with the "Get lead gen form response by ID" action on Linkedin, where form data was not fully retrieved.
- Fix Description: The issue has been resolved by modifying the "Get form response by ID" action. Now, it successfully returns all hidden fields from the form and the ID.
- Picklist API - Get Assignable users to a Jira issue
- [Enhancement] Picklist API get assignable users to a Jira issue
- Issue Description: There was an issue with the Picklist API, specifically with assigning users to a Jira issue.
- Fix Description: The issue has been resolved by adding a picklist based on the API. This allows for a more efficient assignment of users to a Jira issue.
Check Full Release Notes