User Activity

Hey guys,do somebody know if it is possible to update row values in a table in Power-BI via Workato? Best regardsDerik 
Hey guys how are you doing?I got the the problem somehow that sometimes a new event is not triggerd. I have the connector two times in a recipe. One with trigger condition and one without. Where the trigger conditions are is sometimes an event missin...
Hey guys, how are you?In our companie we are thinking about to buy the license  for Quinyx an employee shift application and we need and want to include Workato for some points. Has anybody already an working Connector or can we just ask workato to d...
Do you know why sometimes, the Personio Trigger from the SDK-Connector (Workato supported) does not fetch every person? So we have tried it with a webhook and there we get every Person, but the Personio Trigger from the connector does not get everyti...