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Logger Mechanism

Deputy Chef III
Deputy Chef III

Hey Everyone,

Can anyone guide me on how to implement the logger mechanism in Workato?

I have used Logger By Workato. Now my end goal is to maintain all these logs with every job execution so that I can identify errors for par jobs.


Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hello Bhavesh ,

You can use lookup table to Store logs for every execution .

You can use the following approach

1)Create one lookup table and provide Column name relevant to your logs data

2)Create one functional recipe to add item in Look up table

3)Call functional recipe in your parent recipe where ever you want to log data .




Shruti Sharma

Mobile: +91 9643919302


Coforge Limited

(Erstwhile NIIT Technologies Limited)





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Deputy Chef III
Deputy Chef III

One use case where I think Logger is useful is to capture the results of the steps within a loop where the job report would only show the results from the last iteration. I have not yet tried it but someday soon. It isn't necessarily just errors, I think results from steps that succeeded are also valuable for troubleshooting.

That exactly what we faced, workato don't maintain logs of multiple records in for each loop so that's why we are asking here. RIght now we are mainting a list of logs using variables by workato list functionality. But we are exploring for more and better ideas for logging.

Troubleshooting loops is really difficult in terms of visibility.

Which is also why we've frequently opted to call a function within a loop and treat every loop item, one by one via that function for full visibility.

It's not perfect but has saved us a lot of time on troubleshooting.

Steven Marissens yes totally, we do the same. It makes life much easier. But flies in the face of bulk actions, and calling a recipe function consumes a task, and returning a value from a function consumes a task. So unfortunately there are "cons" with this approach too, but I agree that it makes troubleshooting/monitoring much easier and is what I have opted for myself.

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