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Sending emails in Workato

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Open ended question - We are interested in building a way to send emails using Workato. We would prefer to avoid using Google Workspace / Gmail connection, due to security/compliance friction. And the "Email by Workato" doesn't fit our requirements since we'd like to send from an internal address

Has anyone successfully set up an SMTP server connection with Workato to send emails? What does that process look like? Or do you send emails using Workato using another way?

The use case we have in mind is to send a weekly Change digest to a group of people. The recipe would search our Jira tickets for upcoming Change Control tickets, and summarize the information in an email.

Appreciate any insight anyone can share. Thanks!


Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Hey Will Balson - we've done this with a client by fetching content from the external system(s) and pushing it to a Marketo email and scheduling it from there. You can create a separate list or partition for internal comms.

Workato employee
Workato employee

Seems “interesting” that gmail connector is not allowed but a third party mailing application impersonating an internal email is 😎

How about
(1) send the results to a Slack Channel in a human readable form
(2) in the slack message, attach one link to view all tickets (JQL) if the users like to see more details

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

Agree that sending to Slack is a great process and arguably preferable to an email as the history is visible in the channel.

Workato employee
Workato employee

Here is another approach. Build a slack command so that the users can check any upcoming change controls, approvals, etc ad-hoc in addition to the scheduled reports. (A billable recipe though…)