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Workflow Apps - Dropdown values sourced from REST call (or recipe function)?

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

We'd like to be able to populate dropdowns shown in a Workflow app with values that live in different systems. From what we can see, it looks like our only options are to manually enter dropdown options or source them from a data table.

We know that we could populate a data table from another recipe that could fetch this data from different API endpoints, say on a schedule, but we'd rather not have data duplication like that (source system *and* Workato data table).

Ideally, we'd be able to configure a dropdown to be backed by either a REST endpoint or a Workato recipe function (which could delegate to the endpoint). Either way, we'd also want to be able to parameterize the call to fetch the data since there may be user-specific data that we'd want to return for display in the dropdown (username, role, maybe even something else that's been selected on the workflow app form).

What options might we have for accomplishing this?



Workato employee
Workato employee


Sadly, we don't have the option to populate dropdowns shown in a Workflow app from a third-party source. If you want Workato to build a connector for you, you may contact your customer success manager or account executive for assistance. You may contact Workato Support via chat or email if you don't know who that is.

How to contact Workato:

Workato employee
Workato employee

Hi @tm_argon  the feature you mentioned is currently released with limited access and will soon be available to all customers. You can check the documentation here.

Deputy Chef III
Deputy Chef III

Dear @tm_argon 
This feature is currently limited access. Please wait for future releases.

Nguyen Duc Y

Executive Chef I
Executive Chef I

Hi @tm_argon ,

Currently its not available and is limited, we had a similar situation while doing a POC and we tried a bit complex approach where you said second point.

Hope they release this soon to the customers..

Pavan Srikar N