โ08-04-2022 10:05 AM
โ08-04-2022 02:04 PM
Can anyone help me with this?
โ08-04-2022 07:07 PM
Bhavesh - the authentication for connectors is dependent on what is supported by the end application. What application are you looking to develop a customer connector for? Salesforce supports OAuth 2 authentication. You can refer to the connection SDK documentation at:
There is also best practices documentation at:
If you are new to Connector SDK development you may want to also checkout the Automation Institure course on Connector SDK.
โ08-04-2022 10:37 PM
I think he's asking how to do a UI-based authentication like the screenshot, rather than an API-based authentication. A lot of connectors that use a UI auth are for platforms that require permissions to be granted within the platform. The ability to call a UI auth in a browser window isn't covered in the SDK documentation (or at least I can't find it : ) How is it accomplished? I would also like to know!
โ08-05-2022 05:01 AM
Exactly Gary Blasco I have found many authentication type in documentation but they all asked for api key, access tokens, client secret etc. I don't want to ask that from my end user. I just want them to directly authenticate by using UI. Jayesh Shah I am looking to connect Deputy which supports UI based authentication like SalesForce.