โ11-02-2021 04:59 PM
Hi, I'm looking for some tutorials bcause i'm running into some difficulties.
I need to loop through the output of a call,and for each project call one of the retrieved API endpoints.
For example in the attached output I pickup project Name (TEST 1 ISO Naming), and call the Issues api path (https://developer.api.autodesk.com/issues/v1/containers/00699bbc-ea32-4451-8bb9-6c8962ebfee3/issues)
I can't seem to get the creation of the list, and then pupulating the list and then in a for each call the retrieved API key
โ11-02-2021 05:45 PM
BTW: There is a product hour on Workato lists. It might be some years old but is still valid although the user interface new looks differently. But this does not matter.
โ11-02-2021 06:13 PM
Thenks for all the help!
In Step 2 I grab all the project data.
Step 3 and 4 are a test to see if the call will produce data.
Step 5 is create repeater help list
Step 6 is the for each which runs in batches of 10
Step 7 acumulates the list from step 5 and takes Name and Link from step 2.
If I put this into Sharepoint, I see the same data for each for each loop.
(See attached images)
I did try the parse to Json but couldn't figure out what the document should be.....
โ11-02-2021 07:34 PM
Vivek just pointed me in the direction that i can query the output of step 2 directly in a loop.
This works!