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A newly designed experience

Workato employee
Workato employee

We launched a completely redesigned layout for your workspace earlier today. These exciting changes give you more control over the screen space and quick access to a 360 view of recipes, connections.

You can tune into the Product Hour with our design lead Nishtha Mehrotra discussing the evolution of the experience, and what's ahead. Additionally, you can watch this short video and read the blog post to learn more.


Workato employee
Workato employee

Deputy Chef I
Deputy Chef I

While it looks slick, I find many areas to be more clutter than usefulness. With respect to editting recipes or reviewing jobs and job data, the right-hand panel of "essentials" effectively consumes up to 25% of my horizontal space. Additionally, when clicking on a recipe step, the step fly-out consumes more space limiting my view of actual recipe steps to 50% (at most) of my horizontal space. So while I may have a couple more recipe lines vertically, you've sacrificed a substantial portion of my horizontal space. Sure, zooming out reduces the right-panel size but at the cost of making fonts smaller and more difficult to read. While I'm no GUI design expert, perhaps a better solution is to make the right-panel collapable similar to the left-panel? IMHO.

Workato employee
Workato employee

Hi Joseph, Thank you for the feedback! Can I know the typical screen size you're working on?

With this redesign, we've put a foundation in place to utilize the horizontal and vertical space much more effeciently. One of our upcoming enhacements will address your concern- the content will go into full screen mode, so that you not only gain the space that the side bar is occupying but also the header space. And we'll support a shortcut to go in this mode.

So, the experience will be : come to the page, press a shortcut [Cmd] + [.] to go to this mode, press [Cmd] + [.] to come out of it again. I've attached a small demo video to give you a glimpse of what we are iterating on. This approach helps us do two things: when you need more space to focus on things, you can go to zen mode. When you need context around your recipe, you can see all relevant information in the same screen.